A Memoir By Yeh Tung 
David Heintz 2004
Full moon, owls in the belfry, a feast of lamb stuffed quinces, and David with his camera resulted in this portrait of me and Mimi Underfoot in front of a painting by Tim Rice.
Neon Park 1969
I went to Hollywood, and there had my fifteen minutes of fame – on a poster for an experimental film festival – compliments of my dear friend Marty Muller, aka Neon Park.
Chris Hansen 2002
It’s been ten years since Chris surprised me with this enormous card for my 70th birthday…and damned if I’m not still here! Though Chris is not.
In the following pages you will find tales of my “fortuitous fiascos” not in the order they happened but as I remember them–one story leading to another and..another in “an endless pageant of precipitous pitfalls…”